Declined: Credit Card Use Banned at Loyal3

Declined - Credit Card Use Banned at Loyal3 - Credit Cards

Loyal3 will be completely stopping the use of credit cards by the middle of December. Ultimately, I knew it was only a matter of time. Too many people were arbitraging the system and making too much in rewards for it not to happen. Is this where we ask something like, "why can't we just have nice … [Read more...]

Trades – October No-Cost Dividend Growth Portfolio Purchases

Trades - October No-cost dividend growth portfolio - GoPro Camera

So just last month I wrestled with increasing my Loyal3 contributions even just a couple of months after increasing them for the first time. Well the time is now. Not only did I increase my monthly purchases over September’s, I doubled them! Going forward my goal is to invest between $500 and $1,000 … [Read more...]

Slow Down To Speed Up

Slow Down to Speed Up - Beach View

Whew, sometimes a nice little vacation is all it takes to recharge the batteries, enjoy the company of a loved one, and realize that this life is truly worth living. As we each strive for financial independence, regardless of the path we take to get there, it is the small breaks from the grind that … [Read more...]

Wait, More Spreadsheets? Hello, Dividend Growth Portfolio

Dividend Growth Portfolio - The Road Ahead

Just last week I introduced my 2014 Dividend Calendar, a new spreadsheet and page shared to show in a snapshot the dividends I've earned, and the dividends I am projecting to earn for the calendar year. It will be rolled forward each year and allow me a nice visual snapshot of each year’s activity, … [Read more...]

Trades – General Electric (GE) Purchase

GE Imagination at Work - Logo

As part of my process towards increasing and sharing my passive income, I post my trading activity for my dividend growth portfolios. As such, this past week on October 13, I purchased 85 shares of General Electric (GE) at $24.10 per share, giving me a cost basis of $24.16 per share net of … [Read more...]

Introducing the 2014 Dividend Calendar

2014 Dividend Calendar - Spready the Spreadsheet

I am a passionate person. There are two things I am particularly passionate about. Investing and Spreadsheets. A third being my wife. This is the culmination of when those first two passions combine. (Ed. Note: My wife reminded me that I forgot a passion on the first draft!) The beautiful thing … [Read more...]

Passive Income and Pageviews – September 2014 Update

Passive Income and Pageviews - September 2014 - Mountain

Another month in the bag and some cash in the pockets! These really are my favorite posts to write, if only because I get to spend some time reviewing how much extra cash I’ve collected by investing wisely and sitting on the sidelines watching it grow! If cash is king, than passive income is the … [Read more...]

Trades – September No-Cost Dividend Growth Portfolio Purchases

Trades - September No-Cost Dividend Growth Portfolio Purchases - MAT and MCD - Hot Wheels Car

Let the snowball grow! Just a month and a half after deciding to up my monthly capital infusion into my Loyal3 portfolio to $500 per month for the remainder of the year, I was thisclose to putting in $700 this month and carrying that forward. Investing regularly is addicting, especially when it is … [Read more...]

Trades – Deere & Company (DE) Purchase

Trades - Deere and Company Purchase - Deere and Company Logo

As part of my process towards increasing and sharing my passive income, I post my trading activity for my dividend growth portfolios. As such, early this month on September 11th, I purchased 18 shares of Deere & Company (DE) at $81.90 per share, giving me a cost basis of $82.18 per share net of … [Read more...]

Passive Income and Pageviews – August 2014 Update

Passive Income and Pageviews - August 2014 - Ocean Waves

Who doesn't love passive income? I mean, really? “Hey buddy, do you want a perpetual money making machine working for you while you sleep?” “Nah, seems foolish,” said nobody ever. As I develop my own streams of passive income, I am continually looking for new and different ways to diversify this … [Read more...]