Passive Income and Pageviews – December and Overall 2014 Goals Update

Passive Income and Pageviews - December and 2014 Goals Update - Full Moon

What a spectacular year. Just a few of the highlights were that I got married to a wonderful woman, continued and made significant progress on our journey to generate passive income, cleaned up my portfolio to sleep well at night, and continued to grow and develop relationships with readers and  … [Read more...]

Trades – December No-Cost Dividend Growth Portfolio Purchases

December No-Cost Dividend Growth Portfolio Purchases - Snow Scape

December marked the first month of the new Loyal3, and the change in the value proposition that it offers investors. After the marketing hook of offering funding through credit cards was ended, many folks questioned the ongoing proposition of investing with Loyal3. Without a question, for both … [Read more...]

Fluffing the Pillow: Refreshing My Dividend Growth Portfolio

Fluffing the Pillow - Refreshing My Dividend Growth Portfolio - Sleeping Puppy

The almost default motto of dividend growth investors is a ‘Sleep Well At Night’ or SWAN portfolio. The concept behind this is simple, invest in companies or funds that allow one to sleep freely and easily, knowing your money is relatively safe from harm. This does not imply a lack of risk, but … [Read more...]

The Great Divide in P2P Lending: Institutional Demand and the Little Guy

The Great Divide in P2P Lending - Institutional Demand and the Little Guy - Great Chasm

What started out as a mere curiosity ultimately lead to something slightly disappointing and fairly substantial, although not entirely unexpected. After noticing some cash languishing in my Prosper account, albeit not much, I decided to look into the reasons why I wasn’t getting my cash reinvested … [Read more...]

Passive Income and Pageviews – November 2014 Update

Passive Income and Pageviews - November 2014 - Turkeys Marching

I hope everything enjoyed their Thanksgiving (US readers) and fall for those outside the states. November is an interesting month, the calm before the storm that is December, the month with high payouts from funds, dividend stocks, and tax loss harvesting. Just two weeks ago the markets were facing … [Read more...]

Trades – November No-Cost Dividend Growth Portfolio Purchases

Trades - November No-Cost Dividend Growth Portfolio Purchases - French Press Pour

November, the month of change for those investing at Loyal3. The big news was of course the ending of the credit card option for funding purchases. While I comment in more detail at the post I just linked, at the end of the day I wasn’t surprised the program ended. Too expensive, and ultimately it … [Read more...]

Trades – International Business Machines (IBM) Purchase


Hope you guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving! As you can tell, I enjoyed mine with some radio silence here on the blog. While not fully intended, our lives have changed a bit with the addition of a puppy to the house. She is certainly an energetic sort and we’ve been working on adjusting our schedules … [Read more...]

Trades – Chevron Corporation (CVX) and Baxter International (BAX) Purchases

Trades - Purchased Chevron Corporation and Baxter International - CVX Chart

As part of my process towards increasing and sharing my passive income, I post my trading activity for my dividend growth portfolios. As such, this past week on November 10th, I purchased 18 shares of Chevron Corporation (CVX) and 30 shares of Baxter International (BAX). These were my first … [Read more...]

Trades – BHP Billiton (BBL) Purchase


As part of my process towards increasing and sharing my passive income, I post my trading activity for my dividend growth portfolios. As such, this past week on November 3th, I purchased 65 shares of BHP Billiton plc (BBL) at $51.70 per share, giving me a cost basis of $51.78 per share net of … [Read more...]

Passive Income and Pageviews – October 2014 Update

Passive Income and Pageviews - October 2014 - Leaf in Fall

October always seems to begin a fairly intensive planning period for me that lasts through the holidays. As you enter the last quarter of the year, you generally have a pretty good idea of how close you will come to hitting your goals, and begin to think about where you’d like to be over the course … [Read more...]